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NScrape.Forms Namespace

The NScrape.Forms namespace contains the types that provide HTML form handling functionality.
Public classBasicAspxForm
Represents a basic ASPX form that should do the trick in most cases.
Public classBasicForm
Provides the base implementation for basic HTML forms.
Public classBasicHtmlForm
Represents a basic HTML form that should do the trick in most cases.
Public classHtmlForm
Provides the base implementation for HTML form functionality.
Public classHtmlFormControl
Provides the base implementation for HTML form controls.
Public classHtmlFormDefinition
Represents the definition of an HTML form.
Public classHtmlOption
Represents an HTML select control option.
Public classInputCheckableHtmlFormControl
Provides the base implementation for HTML controls that may be checked.
Public classInputCheckBoxHtmlFormControl
Represents an HTML input checkbox control.
Public classInputHtmlFormControl
Represents an HTML input control.
Public classInputRadioHtmlFormControl
Represents an HTML input radio control.
Public classSelectHtmlFormControl
Represents an HTML select control.
Public classTextAreaHtmlFormControl
Represents an HTML textarea control.
Public enumerationInputHtmlFormControlType
Indicates the type of HTML control.